Women who held in his hand black crocodile handbag, always look like real ladies. Age fashion crocodile handbag goes back more than 200 years. Over the years, the price of this accessory has become smaller. Now, crocodile handbags buy a lot of women around the world. Most buyers of this product lives in Europe. In this region of the world lives the most wealthy people.
Popularity crocodile skin handbag was the reason for the development of a new branch of agriculture a large number of countries in Asia and Africa. This sector is called the crocodile farm. Here these terrible predators specially grown to get to the skin handbags, suitcases, shoes. But the crocodile is popular not only in Europe and the United States. In Australia, there are hundreds of large and small factories where leather crocodile even sew covers for modern phones.
Crocodile leather is not inferior in strength skin of bovine animals. And it is much more flexible and has a low weight. Crocodile skin is easier to handle and paint. Processing crocodile skin is to dry it. After that, the skin is purified from small pieces of meat on a special machine that it is clean and smooth on both sides.
But the main advantage of this leather is its appearance. Even without painting crocodile it has a spectacular appearance of its surface. After the paint is applied to the skin of a crocodile special varnish. This varnish makes the skin shiny. Goods from crocodile skin much like a rich man and a woman.
When they buy a crocodile skin handbags, they want to see all the people around their high status in society. For the purchase of bags, suitcases, briefcases, and wallets, which are made of crocodile skin, it is necessary to spend 2.5-3 times more money than those products from other types of skin. On the market many factories make imitation leather bags, and say to customers that this is a real crocodile skin, so the profit was more.
Crocodile leather is not inferior in strength skin of bovine animals. And it is much more flexible and has a low weight. Crocodile skin is easier to handle and paint. Processing crocodile skin is to dry it. After that, the skin is purified from small pieces of meat on a special machine that it is clean and smooth on both sides.
When they buy a crocodile skin handbags, they want to see all the people around their high status in society. For the purchase of bags, suitcases, briefcases, and wallets, which are made of crocodile skin, it is necessary to spend 2.5-3 times more money than those products from other types of skin. On the market many factories make imitation leather bags, and say to customers that this is a real crocodile skin, so the profit was more.